There are two main types of lung cancer: small cell and non-small cell.
The small cell develops early and spreads to other organs.
It occurs almost exclusively in smokers and represents 20% of lung cancers Test & Diagnosis.
In almost 60% of people who suffer from it, small cell cancer has already spread when they are diagnosed.
Non-small cell lung cancer (squamous cell and adenocarcinoma) is linked to smoking, passive smoking or radon exposure. It spreads slowly, but it is not curable when diagnosed.
Only 14% of people with lung cancer live five years after diagnosis. If detected before spreading, the survival rate is 49%, but only 15% of lung cancers are discovered soon.
It is more likely that you will develop lung cancer if you have one or more risk factors:
Factors that you cannot control:
Gender Women are more vulnerable. In one study, a gene linked to the abnormal development of lung cells was more active in women than in men, regardless of whether they smoked. Research indicates that smokers are more sensitive to the chemicals in the cigar that cause cancer.
Factors that you can control:
Smoking Nine out of ten cases of lung cancer are caused by smoking. The more you smoke and the longer, the greater your risk.
Passive smoking although you do not smoke, your risk increases by 30% from daily exposure to secondhand smoke.
Carcinogens in the workplace 4% of cancer deaths each year are from exposure at the workplace to carcinogens, such as asbestos, arsenic, methyl chloromethyl ether and chromium compounds. The risk is much higher among smokers.
Estrogen replacement According to one study, estrogen replacement may favor the development of non-small cell lung cancer
Exposure to asbestos and toxic chemicals Repeated exposure to asbestos fibers, at home or in the workplace, is also a risk factor for lung cancer. Some studies show that, compared to the general population, asbestos workers are seven times more likely to suffer from lung cancer and, if they are smokers, they increase their risk of developing lung cancer 50 to 100 times. In addition to asbestos, workers in the mining industry who are exposed to carbon products or radioactive substances, such as uranium, and workers exposed to chemicals, such as arsenic, vinyl chloride, mustard gas and other carcinogens, have a higher risk of developing lung cancer.
As the tumor grows and interferes with the normal functions of the lung these symptoms may appear. It is convenient to go to the doctor as soon as possible to rule out that it is not cancer.
- Continuous cough that gets worse and does not go away. It is the most common symptom in lung cancer and is produced by compression of the bronchi or trachea. Changes in levels should also alert us.
- Cough blood It occurs because the tumor can cause a wound in the airways, although the cause of this symptom is usually a respiratory infection such as tuberculosis.
- Repeated pitos and pneumonias because there is obstruction of the lower airways.
- Chest pain and difficulty in breathing air due to involvement of the pleura and ribs due to the tumor.
- Difficulty swallowing due to compression of the esophagus. If one of the internal nerves is compressed, there may also be hoarseness or aphonia due to paralysis of the vocal cords,
- Difficulty breathing also due to paralysis of the diaphragm, drooping of the eyelid, weakness of an arm.
- When the tumor affects the large internal veins it can make it difficult for the blood from the head to return to the heart properly and swelling of the face occurs.
- If the cancer is more developed there may be loss of appetite and weight, as well as fever.
Some medicinal plants can be useful in boosting the immune system, helping the body to fight against the disease, while they can alleviate the symptoms of cancer as well as the perverse effects of chemotherapy. Here are some remedies with these plants:
Popular remedies
Remedy for lung or lung cancer # 1: Boil 1 tablespoon of mistletoe in a cup of water for 5 minutes. Take one or two cups daily. Some experiments seem to show that the mistletoe prevents the cancer from reproducing once the treatment is finished,
Remedy for lung or lung cancer # 2: Consume a capsule of Siberian ginseng liquid extract (it is purchased in botanical and herbal pharmacies), since it increases immunity when used in a regular manner in approximate periods of one month duration.
Remedy for lung or lung cancer # 3: Pour 5 g of green tea into a cup of boiling water. Take several times a day. This remedy is considered cancer preventive.
Remedy for lung or lung cancer # 4: Boil 1 tablespoon of St. John’s Wort in a cup of water for 5 minutes. Cover, let cool and strain. Take 1 cup daily. This remedy is used to stop the expansion of cancer cells.
Remedy for lung or lung cancer # 5 : Pour a handful of guanabana leaves in a liter of water and boil for 10 minutes. Cover and let cool. Strain and drink throughout the day.