Finding a great deal on repossessed cars is one way to save thousands of dollars. With a lot of people not able to buy new cars these days more and more are turning to repossessed car auctions. This article will give you a break down on how to find and what to look for when buying a repo car.
The first place to look for repossessed cars is online. There are lots of car auction sites online today and even directories that will provide you local listings. Another way to find car auctions in your area is to type “car auction” and your city into Google or any major search engine. This should pull up a list of car auctions in your area. Put together a list of about three to five companies. Before wasting time and gas going down to the car auction, it is a good idea to check out the company first.
Rip-off Report is a great resource that provides consumer ratings. Another great place is by doing a Google map search on the address of the company will pull up consumer reviews on the auction. Please take into consideration that these reviews can be written by anyone, including malicious competitors who are out to destroy the name of the car auction. The final place you want to check out is the Better Business Bureau. Most companies these days are part of the Better Business Bureau and receive letter grade ratings from the agency. The Better Business Bureau also verifies the location of the business and that they are operating.Auctioneers in Kansas
Now that you’ve shortened your list a bit, it’s time to make some calls. A lot of car auctions have their auctions take place on the weekend to bring in more clients so the best time to call for information is the weekdays as they will be under less stress and will be more willing to walk you through the basic steps. This brings us to the first question you should ask which is the hours of operation for the auction. In general terms, they usually take place on a Saturday. For police auctions and other municipals auctions usually take place on the first Saturday of the month.
Of course many cities will have different times to fit in with facilities available to run their auctions. The next question to ask is the auction open to the general public. Some car auctions will only be commercial or trade only which means you will require a dealer license in order to place a bid. You can of course always show up and ask a dealer to represent you for a fee. If you are talking to a government auction, be sure to ask if you need to provide your own tow truck. Most police auctions will not let you drive the car off the lot and require you to move it outside the lot with the use of a wrecker. This is where it can really help to know a tow truck driver or have access to one.
Finally, don’t be afraid to look foolish when asking questions. Everyone has to start somewhere and most car auction companies understand this and want to help potential new buyers out. Using this guide as a general outline with a little research on your own, you should have no problem getting that great deal on your next car.