If you love decorating, you’re always looking for creative ways to update your home. One surface that’s getting a lot of attention in both contemporary and classic homes is glass. Glass has caught the attention of designers who want to create a premium look without paying a premium price. Glass offers much more than economy, however. When combined with a specialized surface coating like glass paint, the versatility and elegance of glass becomes irresistible.
As a surface covering, glass is a welcome and practical addition to homes where ecology is important. Glass is made from abundant raw materials, using a non-toxic process. The finished product is non-allergenic. It contains no irritants and does not emit any toxic by-products like some synthetic materials do. For homes where allergies and sensitivities present a concern, a glass surface is the ideal laminate. Not only is the material itself inert, it can also seal surfaces that might otherwise create leach toxins or irritants into the home’s interior.
Buying glass is a great way to support local businesses. Typically, glass is manufactured regionally, so purchasing glass means that your dollars remain in the local economy. In addition, regional production reduces transportation costs for the finished product because the glass producers are close to their marketplaces.
You can work glass into virtually any decorating plan. Although colored glass is available, the colorants are often toxic. A better, less expensive and more environmentally friendly option for adding color to glass is a product called glass paint. Glassprimer™ glass paint is specially formulated to bond permanently to glass surfaces. That’s important because ordinary paint isn’t designed to work on glass. While ordinary paint will dry on glass, it is exceptionally vulnerable to peeling, chipping, fading and contact damage. Ordinary paint will also reconstitute in high humidity, which will create a smeary, drippy mess.
On the other hand, Glassprimer™ glass paint creates a special nanoscale bond with the glass surface. Once the paint is cured, it cannot separate from the glass because it has actually become part of the glass surface! One great advantage of working with a product like Glassprimer™ glass paint is that the paint can be tinted to match the paint palette of any major paint manufacturer. That means you can incorporate painted glass into any decorating scheme, knowing that the color you apply to your glass will match or complement the color on other glass surfaces perfectly.
Although we think immediately of windows when we think of glass, glass is actually an excellent laminate material for walls, countertops and tabletops. To take advantage of the strength of glass, you can backpaint the glass in any color you want. Mount the painted glass to the wall or surface using neutral-cure silicone adhesive or mirror mastic. The backpainted glass will look great and it’s exceptionally easy to take care of.
If you use glass in the kitchen or bathroom, you can easily clean and sanitize the surface using a wide variety of ordinary household cleaners. Since humidity doesn’t damage or degrade glass paint, your backpainted glass will look great for years. As an added benefit, Glassprimer™ glass paint is UV-resistant, so bold colors will remain bright and beautiful, even when exposed to direct sunlight.
Glass offers many significant practical advantages like appearance, care and cost. A cost-effective and versatile coating like Glassprimer™ glass paint extends supreme design flexibility to glass, enabling you to incorporate glass on vertical and horizontal surfaces in the most demanding areas of your home. In addition to a wide range of colors, Glassprimer™ glass paint offers a number of different finish options that further refine its appearance.