For all of time man has known that he was special amongst all the species through simple observation and common sense. Recognizing this exceptionalism gave rise to a moral duty to take care of our planet and its inhabitants. Believing in a Creator of the universe also leads to the realization that rights like liberty and pursuit of happiness are granted by God, not man or governments. What many believe to by “rights” are really just dispensations handed out by whomever is in power, to be tailored or taken away at the whim of the powerful. Real rights are granted by God and therefore cannot be handed out to animals by man.
Trying to pull people down to a secular and materialistic viewpoint of the world is how animal rights activists try to get people to support their actions. If you believe in a Creator of some sort, you would have to accept that the Creator put humans at the top spot of life and granted us special rights. This is quite obvious to anyone who looks with clear eyes at the uniqueness of humans when compared to all other animals. Animal rights activists try to put forth an intellectually false vision where the world is nothing but a shallow and meaningless existence. This is why activists can excuse animal shelters killing dogs and cats instead of getting them good homes with humans. This is why the activists can rationalize the threatening and violence aimed at people who don’t accept their view.
Recognizing our exceptionalism as humans is why we care and show concern about animals and their welfare. Shutting down pet stores who abuse dogs or protesting the torture of animals in cosmetic testing is a valid pursuit. Trying to stop scientists from using animals in the quest for cures to deadly and debilitating diseases is not legitimate.
Luckily, most people do not accept the animal rights activists view of a vacant and empty world. They see the planet and its inhabitants as wondrous and beautiful.They see the complexity of life and the dignity of humans as above that of animals. Most people reject the anti-life agenda that animal rights activists must have to truly believe in their cause. Pushing animal rights is the end product of placing no value on life or recognition of the complexities and nuances of the planet. Promoting animal welfare is proof of our exceptionalism and results in the a caring and continued advancement of our planet.
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